Fearless Public Speaking for Kids

Took me a while, but I’ve finally got my manual out there. More than 40 pages of tips, hints and encouragement for Middle School students keen to improve their public speaking skills. I’m keen for all students to leave school with an advanced level of confidence to speak to any audience and this manual lists … Read more

Tip Sheets Are the Go

Creating simple tip sheets that capture the key information and ideas for a project is still as simple a support material as you need – even in this digital age.

Tech Tools Teachers Can’t Live Without

…. in this remote and virtual world We asked a range of teachers “Which bit of software do you absolutely need to help you with remote teaching?” They’re top ten plus one answers were: Zoom – for video/voice face to face group calls 2. Storyboard – create visual boards for telling a story 3. Edpuzzle … Read more

New7Wonders of the World

In 2000 a Swiss foundation launched a campaign to determine the New Seven Wonders of the World. Given that the original Seven Wonders list was compiled in the 2nd century —and that only one entrant is still standing (the Pyramids of Giza)—it seemed time for an update. And people around the world apparently agreed, as more than 100 … Read more

Church Going

I’ve just finished Julia Baird’s book Phosphoresence. One of the few books that I will re-read very soon.

There are a few chapters in the book about her faith and the evolutions she has gone through with Christianity. Haven’t we all? Usually through one door, stay for a while and then out the exit never to revisit.

But Julia finds more.

She retells a story where she invited Helen Garner to come along to a service while they were both attending a Writer’s Festival. Julia had previously seen Helen at another series of Church services in Sydney.

Helen was excited to accept. “It’s like going to a cocktail party.” The stimulating convos, the different world views, the community engagement.

Church is such a learning environment. It’s been sullied recently by skewed views of the world and so many immoral actions.

But there are many churches that just focus on faith and grace. Stories are told, arugments put forward, atmospheres created. Behaviours are challenged.

These are all the same criteria we use to create a learning environment.

The criteria stimulate learning ….. and sharing.

Typography 01 by Chris Do

I’ve been doing Chris Do’s Typography 01 Course over the last few days. It’s been great. I paid a three figure sum (you can see the price on the link) to get some information about something that I really enjoy. And from someone that has a bit of kudos in the world of design. According to others.

The course isn’t tightly edited, super-slick or chock full of tightly packed content. In fact some parts of it are quite amateurish. Chis has a small live audience following him as he presents. They ask questions (some REALLY basic questions). Sometimes they get in the way of the flow of the presentation.

But I’m getting an authentic insight in to the mind of a person that works in a field that I’m interested in. And so I overlook these shortcomings. The content is still new. The resource recommendations always help filter through what is available. The topics stimulate more interest and prompt more investigation by the learner(me!).

I’m feeling satisfied. I know I’m justifying the expense in my own mind, which is important. That means that I’m proving its value to myself. Which is a type of motivation.

The biggest motivation however is that here is a person who has some knowledge and some interest in a topic and he has simply put up what he knows. And others are investing in it.

Happy Sheets

Post-Workshop Surveys are often unintentionally intended to ensure that everyone was happy with the workshop and generally had a beneficial day. Organisers probably expect one or two suggestions of improvement, but after all the effort they put into the event, they expect the positive to well outweigh the negative. In fact, if there is any … Read more

The Person with the Most Badges Wins

eLearning Modules to the Max Our team has just gone through the process of completing a series of modules to learn about a new interface – not a new application – a new interface which holds the same data and the same fields that the legacy system held, but the ‘look and feel’ is now … Read more

Speechwriting Tips

A good speech is like a good play, movie, or song. It is a form of entertainment. And like all entertainment, if it doesn’t entertain, then the feedback is immediate.

There are not many classes that teach students how to write a speech, however there are many occasions in later life when we need to give a speech.

These tips will help your students to develop an effective speech. The tips aren’t the normal ones (like, ‘make sure your speech has a beginning, a middle and an ending’). They are from many years of personal experience. I’ve written speeches for all occasions and a variety of professions.

25 Plus pages of worksheets for students to practice these tips and then compile them all in to a speech for any purpose.