It’s Abandoned
Look for these spooky Abandoned locations on Google Maps and explore their wonder on Street View.
Quality worksheets that prompt the student to use the navigation tools on Google Maps and explore a bit closer to answer the questions. There are a whole lot of man-made structures out there that have been left to rot or are waiting for a new life. Students look closely at the remains and complete some exercises to reflect on their investigations.
8 Locations in all are identified, plus another dozen or so that students can search for in their own time.
- Lonely fun park wiped out by Hurricane Katrina
- Desolate industrial island
- Massive empty car plant
- Rusting and bogged locomotives from another era
- Overgrown mill house in the middle of a busy town
- … and more
Very original and includes an answer key.
The Mikurrunya Hills
A short preview of the final lesson loaded to my Australian Indigenous Language course – fun use of Google Studio
Skill Set
My interests are varied and my skills are wide ranging. Reach out if you have a project that we can do together that involves sharing knowledge or presenting information.
[infogram id=”9156c0b6-46c7-491a-a760-e0f4ee44e186″ prefix=”4SO” format=”interactive” title=”Skill Set”]Classroom Worksheets That Work
My Middle School titles are piling up and can just about all reviewed on my store at Teachers Pay Teachers. Please wander over to see if anything may suit your class. Curriculum packs range from Google Maps (my most popular range), Humour (of course!), career skills, speaking skills and political topics.
How to Speak an Australian Indigenous Language
Ever thought about learning an indigenous language? If so, the measured and comprehensive course of simple visual lessons will walk you through the important aspects of a typical indigenous language. The case study is a language I learning during my time as a linguist in the north-west of Western Australia.
New Worksheets on TPT
New set of worksheets for Middle School students. 8 pages of more than 50 Things To Do On Google Maps and using Google Street View
How to hold a meeting – new set of worksheets for Middle School Students
Some great activities here for students to learn the skills to run a meeting. An important life skill that is not often taught in the classroom.
Follow the link to my Teachers Pay Teachers store to find this pack of worksheets as well as a whole range of other quality engaging worksheets for the Middle School. HERE