Docs v Decks

Sarah and Mike were tasked with proposing a solution to their company’s customer churn problem.  They worked in different departments but faced the same Wednesday deadline. Sarah immediately opened PowerPoint and began crafting the perfect deck.  She spent Monday choosing the right template, Tuesday perfecting animations and gradient colours, and Wednesday morning adjusting font sizes … Read more

Decks v Docs

Docs is the better way…… Some claim that decks are worse than documents for internal communication. They prefer written communication over presentations. Advantages of documents Criticisms of decks Arguments in favour of decks Balanced perspectives Additional insights Overall, while there is an argument that favours documents, there is more to this debate, acknowledging that both … Read more

Knowledge as a Service (KaaS)

I’ve been researching KaaS solutions and their emergence over the last few years. It’s an interesting concept that is emerging in the modern digital economy. It refers to the provision of specialised knowledge and expertise through digital platforms, often in a scalable and on-demand format. The Positives Accessibility: It makes expert knowledge available to a … Read more

Getting Knowledge from the Leavers

So, you’ve got a long-term worker about to leave your business. Lucky for them. But how do you get a download of all their knowledge before they go? (Let’s not dwell on the fact that you should have thought of this earlier – where everything could have been documented in a leather-bound manuscript ready for … Read more

Goodbye To All That Knowledge

When long-term employees leave the business, they take much knowledge with them. Most businesses have their processes documented and filed away for use to safeguard this. That’s explicit knowledge. It’s the implicit knowledge that’s harder to record. Most knowledge managers focus on gathering explicit knowledge, but it’s the implicit knowledge they need to get hold … Read more

Something Happened to Business Writing.

There was a time when you’d sit in front of a blinking I-beam on a blank page thinking what to tell an audience: your pitch, your message, your ask, your offer, your content. Then along came AI and it was easy. Too easy. Anyone could produce reams of polished prose at the click of a … Read more

How Many Newsletters Have You Subscribed To?

For me, it looks like around 20-25. I subscribe to most using a Gmail account, away from my primary account, so I can cruise through in a single daily sitting. I open up the latest one, then hit the ‘older’ button to backtrack through them. They have some commonality, so there’s no need to read … Read more