😰 😰 Do You Get Nervous Speaking to An Audience? These Three Tips Worked for Me 😰 😰

It’s hard to keep a level of perspective when you’re stressed. Public Speaking is a stressful task for many people, and speaking to an audience feels stressful because the sense of perspective is lost. The event in front of you can look bigger and uglier than it is. Here are some ways to turn that … Read more

White Spaces Matter

Well-designed magazine layouts use white space to draw the eye to the main message. Great web pages do the same. Look at Google’s home page. Uncluttered, clean, and easily digestible. Plenty of white space. The same with well-crafted speeches. By creating pauses of silence, a speaker can draw the audience to focus on the critical … Read more

Speechwriters are ‘Verse Jumpers

I bet you think I’m referring to some sort of poetry athletics. Not this time. ‘Verse jumping is when you move between universes. The speechwriting I do often asks me to immerse myself in someone else’s universe to get a feel of their nuances, their view of the world, their tendencies. Because I work as … Read more

Elite Public Speakers Practice and Practice, But They Do It in a Very Special Way

They practice with distractions. There have not been too many speeches I’ve given over the years where there has been dead silence and no interruptions from the audience. There has nearly always been a disruption or distraction of some sort: plates being dropped fire alarm going off late comers arriving technology breaking down an argument … Read more

25+ Tips to Help with Your Public Speaking,OR One that Will Definitely Work

You only need to do one thing to be a great Public Speaker. But here are 25 other things you could do if you prefer ……. Choose a topic you’re passionate about. Keep your presentation short and sweet. Make it interactive. Start strongly to grab your audience’s attention. Remember to breathe! End on a high … Read more

🎤 I’m No Expert Presenter 🎤

Just because I write about Public Speaking doesn’t make me an expert. In fact, I’m not a highly skilled public speaker myself. I’m not up there with the elite. I’m probably technically sound and can hold the attention of an audience for a while. I’ve won a few competitions, but I’m unlikely to consistently get … Read more