Tweaking that Presentation

A lady messaged me the other day to ask me a question. She was actually a friend and knew that I had something to do with helping people present to audiences and wanted to ask a favour.

I got in touch and asked her:

“What’s on your mind?”

“Malcom, you know, I’ve done a few presentations about my new book, and everyone seemed to enjoy it, and I sell a few books at the end.”

(Never mind the book sells less than what the author paid to get it printed, but she was happy to offload a few copies.)

“It’s such a buzz having people interested in what I’ve written and what I have to say.”

This person, let’s call her Carol, had ventured to over 60 countries – are there any left? – and published her adventures in a diary-book form. She was getting to speak to a few small local groups like Rotary and at Community Library events.

“That’s great,” I said. I knew what was coming.

“Sure is. But I’d like to speak to a larger audience. I’d like to be asked to speak and to be paid to speak.”

The book sales are never going to turn a profit. Particularly as the print run was so low.

Carol needs to request a massive print run, she needs to be speaking to Corporate audiences – she needs to be in demand.

I went to one of Carol’s presentations to the local Apex Club. The group gathered in a corner of the RSL Club dining room and in between deliveries of their counter meals, Carol told her story.

It’s a great story!

This is where I can help. I’ve worked with facilitators, executives, keynote speakers, workshop facilitators, trainers – anybody who presents to an audience – and helped them improve.

Carol’s presentation needed a bit of technical polish (cover those trippy cables, Carol); the speech needed a coherent theme; and the slidedeck needed schmicking up.

Great that Carol was getting some flying time with different audiences.

But now it’s time to become a speaker in demand. Carol had the content. And to be honest, a fabulous style.

Now for some professional presentation tweaking.