Just Like Going On A Walk

Writing is like going on a walk. The view changes once you start writing, and in many instances, you’re not sure which path you’ll be taking. Who you meet, where you go, what you learn can be an unknown. But in the end, it becomes known.
And as you write, paths reveal themselves and decisions made on whether to follow them.
A few years ago, we had an MD who wanted every discussion point written on a page – just one page. Any proposal, explanation, idea, review, observation had to be on a page. And what was written on that page was understood to be precisely what was being asked or highlighted.
If any clarity is required or an illogical argument is included, the author must resubmit the page. There was no opportunity to speak to the page, and the text on the page had to be standalone.
The page would often go through quite a few versions.
The practice prompted the author to think clearly and write with clarity and precision.
The practice also meant that meeting participants needed only to decide on the merits of the submission, and minimal discussion was required.
This successful company was run by regular written submissions.